Let's turn your Place into an Experience.

Navona Placemaking is a boutique design firm founded on a clear purpose: enhancing experiences within the built environment.

Our passion is palpable.

Blending art, water, and experience, we help property owners and business leaders create engaging, immersive places that tell deep, impactful stories. The result? Memorable destinations that people want to visit many times over.

Experience of place is the cornerstone of our design ethos.

The Navona design process is holistic; we study a project’s regional context, site planning, topography, architecture, landscape, function, and aesthetics to create amenities, experiences, and environments that tie everything together with a unique narrative.

This narrative is the key to consumer connection.

Our team brings a special touch to a variety of project types – interior and exterior spaces at commercial and civic projects, private estates, and even digital environments. If there’s a story to tell through the built environment, we’re the folks to help you do it.

Reach out to us here to chat about working together, or learn more about our company, our design process, and our work.

Your place has a story to tell.