When this homeowner decided to update the landscaping around his modern beachfront home in Sarasota, FL, he and landscape architect Michael Gilkey decided that a water feature would be the perfect unifying element. Our design for the feature ties into the existing stair and elevated walkway, creating a seamless experience. The granite upper basin and cascade are installed with a custom-designed stainless steel support system which allows for precise adjustment of the stone panels prior to sealing the joints so that the weir is perfectly level and all open joints in the horizontal removable pavers remain consistent. Equipment for the fountain is hidden in a subterranean vault near the edge of the property; soundproofing materials and an acoustic baffle were used on the vault hatch and vents to ensure that sound pollution was not a problem for the neighbors. The finished product, visible from the street, offers an inviting view to visitors and prepares them for the coastal experience beyond.

Lido Key Residence